What does Teaching and Learning look like at OLST?

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Curriculum Rationale

Updated: 24/10/2024 68.88 MB

This section of our website is focused on our Curriculum and provides an overview of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework and the Curriculum offer for children in Years 1 to 6.  The Curriculum is all the planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.  All classes use a mixture of teaching styles and techniques during the week in a variety of groupings – whole class, ability groups, mixed ability groups, paired working.

OLST follows the Bishop Hogarth Catholic Education Trust planning units for History, Geography, Science and MFL enhanced by the Language Angels scheme of work. Art and DT will be included from September 2022.

Children are taught daily lessons of English and Maths where the level of work is tailored to individual ability. Same day intervention and pre-teaching are used to ensure all pupils are able to access their curriculum and receive support to ensure they do not fall behind.

The teaching of English is a strength of Our Lady & St Thomas and we are proud of the progress which all children make in developing communication skills, reading and writing skills throughout school.

An Introduction to Read Write Inc.

At Our Lady and St Thomas Primary School we use a DFE approved Synthetic Phonics programme ‘Read Write Inc.’ by Ruth Miskin. This is a whole school approach to teaching early reading and writing, designed to ensure progress for every child.

  • The aim of Read Write Inc. Phonics is for children to learn to read early. By the end of term 2 in Year 2 children are able to read stories at over 100 words per minute. They also learn how to form letters using mnemonics to help them. They learn to spell correctly using their Fred fingers as well as learning to compose their own writing - drawing upon ideas from the story they’ve just read.
  • Children learn to read sounds and blend them into words. They apply this phonic knowledge to read and comprehend Storybooks that are carefully matched to the sounds they know.
  • Children work in progress groups for one hour each day. This means they are learning at their ‘challenge’ level for five hours a week.
  • Read Write Inc. is carefully tracked to ensure and if for some reason children are not acquiring the range of skills further interventions are planned.

The assessment of children’s phonic knowledge at the end of Year 1 is a statutory requirement. We report children’s attainment to parents at the end of Y1.

Pupils who do not pass the test are provided with a range of engaging materials to reinforce their learning at home and provided with additional support in Year 2 to ensure they pass the phonics resit at the end of Year 2.

Reading is a priority in our school, pupils in EYFS benefit from daily focused reading with an adult as well as shared reading as soon as they start school. Pupils who require additional support are provided with Buddy Readers, are a focus reader in their class and may be provided with additional support with an adult. This emphasis ensures that pupils develop reading skills rapidly which in turn impacts on pupils’ progress and attainment.

The school uses the Read, Write Inc. Reading Scheme books as well as inspiring readers with a wide range of reading for pleasure material in class libraries. Reading ages are assessed termly and pupils with a reading age of 12 years + move to independent readers; in this way we foster a love of reading.

EYFS – Reception Children

At Our Lady and St Thomas we are proud of the start we give to all children in the Early Years.  Our class has Year One pupils in it; this does not hinder our EYFS children accessing an environment that develops “the whole child”. Each area of development is closely, and often seamlessly, intertwined to enable children to learn and develop following a curriculum enriched by play based activities.

Please see the attached EYFS Curriculum document for this to be explained in more detail.

Read Write Inc., shared reading and opportunities for writing form the basis of the English curriculum.  Quality play experiences enhance the curriculum in which the class teacher has blended EYFS and KS1 learning objectives .  Reception children are encouraged to initiate and develop their own ideas, working with other children and adults in a variety of contexts both indoors and in the outdoor classroom.

We have a carefully structured induction programme to transition children into our school and we work closely with parents and families to form a partnership around each child working together to ensure each child reaches their full potential.

Year 1 to Year 6 Curriculum

An ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum is planned and taught in a happy and stimulating environment in accordance with the National Curriculum requirements.  Independent and collaborative skills are encouraged in all year groups and computing is readily used and embedded across the whole curriculum.

It is a priority of the school to ensure that the basic skills of reading, writing, communication and maths are taught not only as discrete subjects but as often as possible through a cross-curricular enquiry based approach.

The curriculum we offer is designed to meet the needs of all our pupils. It is rich, varied, creative and imaginative and meets the needs of individual learners exceedingly well.  Our creative curriculum has provided the opportunity for a topic based approach for our foundation subjects.

Our outdoor curriculum provides adventurous learning experiences that offer opportunities for classroom learning to be brought to life. We also enrich our curriculum with educational visits that are linked to topics and bring in subject specialists such as artists, poets, story tellers and STEM practitioners to enthuse and inspire our children.

This approach develops cultural capital, resilience and compassion and engages our children in their learning, enabling them to enjoy and achieve in their studies and equip them with the skills and knowledge they will need to live life in a global society.

PE and Sport Curriculum

Our PE curriculum is strong and children have the opportunity to develop wide ranging skills and compete successfully in school and County Competitions.

Religious Education

As a Catholic School, our faith is at the heart of OLST and our Religious Education is central to the spiritual education we provide for our pupils. We base our teaching upon the ‘Come and See’ scheme.  We place great importance on providing opportunities for everyone within the school community to continue their personal Faith journey.

Collective Worship

Our Collective Worship programme using ‘Ten Ten’ resources deepens our pupils understanding of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Over the course of the school year pupils;

  • are encouraged to be reflective about their own and others’ beliefs
  • develop an understanding about themselves and others in the world
  • recognise the difference between right and wrong and the importance of tolerance and respect for everyone
  • understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions, and appreciate the viewpoints of others
  • are supported in, developing a respect for the civil and criminal law of England
  • develop their social skills to embrace pupils from different religions, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds

During the school year there are many opportunities for the children to take part in school worship through assemblies, Mass and other celebrations.

The Sacraments

The children receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist during Year Four. We believe in the importance of a Home and Parish partnership in the preparation to receive these important Sacraments. The children receive the Sacraments with their own family and the Parish community.


We consider that RSHE should be taught within the context of personal relationships and that it should also be linked to Religious Education, because it is concerned with the person as a whole. Through Science, RE, PSHE and our RSHE programme, our aim is to make the children aware of the changes which take place both emotionally and physically as they mature. We do this in a caring and supportive atmosphere, linking this knowledge to an understanding of God’s plan for our growth and our personal relationship with Him.

Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Our philosophy places SEND children at the heart of personalised learning and our curriculum is tailored to meet individual pupils' needs. Please see the SEND Information Report for further information.

To successfully match pupil ability to the curriculum we ensure:

  • A range of teaching and learning styles within an innovative, supportive curriculum.
  • Differentiated learning materials and access to technology and additional in class support and flexible groupings – including small group and individual.
  • Assessment procedures that emphasise pupils’ strengths and achievement.